Tech Facts Series 2 of 10

Facts Related To Technology 

Digital tech is good for the environment It is estimated that digital technology could reduce global carbon emissions by 20% by 2030.

The Amazon’s robot workers skyrocketed in less than five years Back in 2013, there were only 1,000 robots working in an Amazon warehouse. In 2017, they had 45,000 robots across 20 warehouses.

There is also artificial intelligence than can predict epidemics An artificial intelligence was created (with 87% accuracy) in determining disease outbreaks, such as dengue fever. There are hopes to use this tech to predict outbreaks for more serious diseases like Ebola and Zika.

There is a machine that can predict heart attacks Researchers “trained” a machine-learning algorithm which was able to predict heart attacks. It can predict heart attacks up to four hours before they happened – with 80% accuracy.

The @ symbol was chosen kind of randomly The man who was writing email programs had to determine how to determine the user and the machine that the user was on. He chose the symbol because it means “at” and it wasn’t used as much as other symbols.

Digital music sales surpassed physical sales in 2014 In 2014, the download sales and subscriptions made $6.85 billion, while physical sales were just barely under it at $6.82 billion. Also, did you know that people are listening to music now more than ever? In 2015, the average American spent about 24 hours per week listening to music. As of 2017, that number rose to an average of 32 hours per week.

We only keep 1 out of every 10 apps we try-  It is estimated that about 80-90 percent of the apps we install are deleted in the long term.

There wasn’t an app store in the first iPhone This probably isn’t that surprising, seeing as the first of any tech has some things to work out. But the only apps that were on the first iPhone in 2007 were all only Apple’s apps.

The three most common passwords are also the weakest The top three most used passwords are 123456, password, and 12345. Definitely don’t use any of those next time you need a password change!

CAPTCHA is a long acronym It stands for “Completely Automatic Public Turning Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart”.

Thank You!!
PS: Blogging is Passion Of Mine.


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