Tech Facts Series 5 of 10

              Facts Related To Technology 

Kids that are on social media for 1 hour a day have less chance of being happy This is probably not much of a surprise, but studies have shown that the more time kids spend on social media, the less likely they are to be happy with their overall life by 14%.

Finding a security bug in Facebook’s code will pay off To be exact, Facebook pays $500 for reporting any vulnerability in their security.

Music content makes up 5% of YouTube Even though 5% seems like a low number, it is the most engaged type of video on YouTube.

40% of American couples meet online 40% of couples who got together in 2017 met online.

Mark Zuckerberg is color blind The founder of Facebook purposely chose a blue color scheme because he has red-green color blindness!

The most expensive phone number cost millionsBack in 2006, Qatar Telecom hosted a charity auction where they sold the phone number 666-6666.

Some people are afraid of technology-  People have all kinds of weird fears and phobias out there, and technology is no exception! Aptly named technophobia, this fear stemmed from the Industrial Revolution and workers being afraid that machines would take their jobs.

The Apple Lisa was the first commercial computer with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a mouse Before The Apple Lisa, all computers were text-based, meaning you had to type out commands from a keyboard. The name “Lisa” stands for “Logical Integrated Software Architecture”. Lisa was also the name of Steve Job’s daughter.

More people have cell phones than toilets 3 Out of all the 7.7 billion people in the world, over 6 billion of those have access to a cell phone.

Nokia is the largest company from Finland And while we often think Nokia is just a cell phone company, this famous brand was originally a paper manufacturer in 1865.

Thank You!!
PS: Blogging is Passion Of Mine.


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