Top 5 Tech Facts

              Top 5 Tech Facts

Water Integrator — a computer that ran on water  Vladimir Sergeevich Lukyanov built the world’s first computer in 1936 that solved differential equations in partial derivatives. The amazing fact is that the machine was driven by water.

The first computer mouse was called ‘X-Y Position Indicator for Display Systems’The world’s first computer mouse was invented at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in the 1960s. The equipment was called “X-Y position indicator for displays”.

Wikipedia is maintained by thousands of botsMost of today’s internet users are aware of what Wikipedia is. It is a vast collection of crowd-sourced information available online. It is common knowledge that the online encyclopedia is created and edited by volunteers.

Apple once forayed into the apparel business- Apple also had a clothing line in 1986? The collection was called ‘The Apple Collection’.It is unimaginable today that Apple was once into the apparel business. The company launched its catalog one year after Steve Jobs had left the company.

Google was up for sale in 1999 Larry Page wanted to sell Google to Excite in 1999. The deal was stuck around $750,000 and 1% of Excite. But then the deal fell apart. Today Google’s Market cap is over $700 billion. There are two versions of the story around why Excite did not buy Google at that time.

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PS: Blogging is Passion Of Mine.


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