
                                                                       Celebrate your achievements

We assume success is about being famous, rich and owning expensive things. But if you've pulled yourself out of a dark place, that's a great success in itself. Don't forget that you're winning each day you don't give up and you make it through to the next.

Did you know that you're achieving great things every day? It probably doesn't seem like it if you're always looking ahead to the next thing. Nevertheless, many of the things you've achieved today are things you dreamed about in the past. You just don't notice them in the moment they happen. Or they pass you by too quickly.

Although we shouldn't get so comfortable with our achievements that we become complacent and stop moving forwards, we should make time to celebrate them. Otherwise you'll look back on your life and think you didn't do anything significant. But if this were true, your life would always have remained the same.We're too hard on ourselves. We remember everything that we've done wrong, but hardly ever think about the things we've done right. Does that sound familiar? If it does, it's because you're too self-critical.

You have to give yourself a pat on the back every now and then You've done things some people said you couldn't do. You've done things even you thought you couldn't do. Be proud of yourself. You've fought hard to get where you are today. Acknowledging this will bring contentment and raise your vibration.

Thank You!!
