People Oppose Progress

                                                                                                People Oppose Progress

When you're making noise, someone will try to turn down volume. When you're shining bright, someone will try to dim light. It's simple: if you weren't standing out from the rest, people would have no reason to hate. 

These haters are often individuals who feel threatened, jealous or hurt by our confidence as we strive for greatness. They may feel that our success will limit theirs, or fear losing their place to us. They may dislike the idea that our confidence leads us to be celebrated when they strongly desire their own praise. They may be offended by our unrestricted beliefs if theirs are constrained by a conditioned mind that feels powerless to change anything.

They want to dampen our will and drive so that their ego doesn't feel overshadowed. By belittling us, they believe they won't feel so little themselves. These people exist and they'll show up on our path to a greater life. We mustn't deny their existence, but we mustn't react either. A reaction is exactly what they want to make us feel down and protect their ego.

Thank You!!

PS: Blogging is passion of mine.
