Surround Yourself With Positive People

                     Surround Yourself With Positive People

Surround yourself with people who have vibration higher than you. Be around people who are feeling better than you are. Energy is contagious.

When you're not feeling too good, try being around people who are. They're vibrating higher than you and there's a good chance that you can absorb some of their energy Just as the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been found by researchers to draw energy from other plants, my experience suggests that there's great potential for humans to do something very similar.

Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt like something isn't quite right about them? You can't quite put your finger on it but you just get a bad vibe, and usually you find out later on that there was a good reason for this feeling. Energy doesn't lie. You've probably experienced the opposite, too. There are certain people who we identify as being full of positive energy. They always seem to infect those around them with their good vibes. I've changed my emotional state many times just by being around cheerful people.

Positive people can also provide empowering perspectives on our problems. Being in a positive state, they're more likely to have an optimistic outlook on what we're going through. They'll try to look for the positives in the situation and help us change our focus to something that lifts our vibe.

So, make a commitment to build meaningful and lasting relationships with positive people. When you spend more time with people who add value to your life and elevate your mood, you'll begin to adopt their encouraging thinking patterns and reflect their vibrations back at them.

The Law of Vibration suggests that we attract people who are vibrating on the same frequency as us. So, if we can begin to experience more positive emotions on a regular basis as a result of other people, we'll attract even more positive people into our life, thus reinforcing the good vibes around us.

Thank You!!


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