Moral Story Series- The Lion that Sprang to life

                                                                     The Lion that Sprang to life

This is the story of four learned and knowledgeable friends. Well, the fourth one, Subuddhi, wasn’t exactly well educated or insightful in any sense but he possessed the one quality that his intellectual friends did not: common sense.

A day arrived when three of the friends decided to go looking for jobs in distant towns and villages. They wanted monetary gain for their knowledge. After all, there was no use of being so learned in scriptures and sciences if they were not going to gain anything back from it. The three friends did not wish to take Subuddhi along because of his lack of intellect but since he was an old childhood friend, they decided to invite him too.

The four friends set out on a long journey, moving from one town to another in search of a way to earn money. While passing through a dense forest, they discovered a bunch of bones lying under a tree. They decided that a fine opportunity to display their powers had presented itself.

The first friend used his skills to assemble the bones into a skeleton. When the skeleton was ready, the second friend chanted a mantra, which lead to the formation of flesh and meat on the skeleton. It looked like a lifeless lion. Just as the third friend was about to end the show by bringing the lion back to life, the fourth friend stopped him. Subuddhi knew that once the ferocious lion was brought back to life, it wouldn’t spare them.

However, the third friend ignored his advice, made fun of him and went ahead with something that was clearly a bad idea. Subuddhi quickly climbed up a tree nearby to protect himself as the third friend began to chant, thereby bringing the lion back to life. As predicted by the fourth friend, the lion killed all three of the learned friends while Subuddhi rushed back to the village, alive.

Moral: Knowledge without common sense is useless.

Thank You!!

PS: Blogging is passion of mine.


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