Faith vs Fear

                                        Faith vs Fear

No matter how much you worry, your problem isn't going to improve. Be wiser with your attention and energy. You can only step up in the world once you put your anxieties, fears and worries under your feet.

Faith is an active choice we make to stay optimistic. It can be extremely demanding to show faith in your goals at times. Fear will creep in and deceive you. It will steer you away from all the greatness that you're due to be blessed with. Fear is a mechanism that helps us to avoid physical harm or death. Yet we often use it to stay comfortable - to avoid challenges. We utilize it in the wrong way and it just ends up hindering our progress and preventing us from reaching our full potential. Fear keeps our lives mediocre, because it forces us to flee from our potential,rather than from anything truly harmful. Fear sets us back in our everyday lives and controls our choices.

 We use our precious energy to imagine what could go wrong, instead of having fun what could go right. And our actions reflect this. Both faith and fear ask you to believe in something that cannot be seen. You may fear stepping outside in the cold because you believe it will make you ill, even if at present you're not ill and it's unlikely that exposure to cold would cause illness. This is just a figment of your imagination until it manifests as your reality.
We make fear-based assumptions all the time. Unfortunately, when we feed these assumptions they expand into our experience.
Fear is a low vibrational state and it therefore brings about more of what you don't want in your life. Unlike faith, it disempowers the mind and this is reflected in your experiences. If you remove fear, your experience improves. For example, a surgeon without fear is likely to be less hesitant and more focused. Their decision-making be considerably better, resulting in an improved performance may replacing fear with faith encourages us to do the unthinkable it helps us to explore the realms of possibility. Faith doesn't necessarily make things easier, but it does make them possible When going after your goals, you must have an unwavering faith that can remain sturdy when challenged by venomous opinions or unfortunate twists of fate. The faith i'm talking about is the one that says, 'I'm going to win, when all you can see is losses.

Sometimes all we have is our faith – our faith in the fact that things are going to get better. Hang on to it and keep believing, even if that means you're the only one who does.

Thank You!!


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